Artistic, Political, & Environmental online Slideshow: Please Save Nature


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In einigen Ländern besuchen viele Menschen die WisArt Diashow wegen der Texte und Bilder über die menschliche Überbevölkerung und die Umweltverschmutzung (Land-, Luft-und Gewässer-, bzw. Meeresverschmutzung). Besucher sind besorgt über das Artensterben durch die Kultivierung von Land und denken über Massnahmen zur Rettung der Natur nach.
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Je mehr Menschen auf der Erde leben, desto mehr muss die Natur Platz machen für Gebäude, Straßenbau, Landwirtschaft und Industrialisierung.
Die vielen Besuche dieser Website zeigen, dass die Menschen äusserst besorgt sind über die weitreichenden negativen Auswirkungen der menschlichen Überbevölkerung auf Flora und Fauna,also die Biodiversität auf unserem Planeten.
Wir laden Sie ein, ethische Lösungen zu finden gegen die zerstörerischen Auswirkungen der menschlichen Überbevölkerung auf die Natur.
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Andere Projekte

Internationales Pädagogisches Projekt über Naturschutz und Klimaaktivismus
Protestieren gegen Menschliche Überbevölkerung: Das Letzte Tabu.

Für eine bessere weltweite Kommunikation nutzen wir international Englisch.

Menschliche Bevölkerung

Top 10 der Länder mit den meissten Einwohnern 2006 (in Millionen):
1.China: 1,311    2.Indien: 1,122    3.USA: 300    4.Indonesien: 225    5.Brasilien: 187    6.Pakistan: 166    7.Bangladesh: 147    8.Rußland: 142    9.Nigeria: 135    10.Japan: 128 Millionen Menschen.    Wo kann die Natur noch überleben?
Bitte, gib der Natur Raum zum Leben.

WiseArt Cybernetics

Der Zufalls-Generator der Reality-SlideShow ist eine Weblog Initiative der WiseArt Kybernetik.
WisArt ist mit STHOPD und CPER verbunden, um die Zerstörung der Natur zu verhindern und BioDiversität zu konservieren.
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Angeschlossene Webseiten

STHOPD e-Cards
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Sende jetzt eine politische E-Karte
(Stop Terrible Human OverPopulation Disasters).
CPER Elektronische Lernumgebung
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CPER Kurse
Zentrum progressiver Evolution der Realität
(Centre for Progressive Evolution of Reality)
STHOPD Haupteingang
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STHOPD Haupteingang
Stoppt das furchtbare Verhängnis der menschlichen Überbevölkerung
Mental Virus Cybernetics
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MultiMedia Buch
Der Virus der mentalen Kybernetik
(Mental Virus Cybernetics)
RGES Web-Entwickler
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Kreativer Künstler / WebDeveloper
Stay Cool ... STHOPD the World

Email: FEEDBACK [at] WISART [dot] NET . 
© R.G.E.S. 
Erschaffen: 01-Juni-2007 
Letztes verbessert: .
Politisch unabhängige, internationale, künstlerische Umwelt - Realzeit-Multimediadarstellung mit dem Ziel des Beendens der Massenauslöschung von Flora und Fauna.

⇓ Ende der Slogans-Tabelle ⇓
Inhaltsverzeichnis der nach dem Zufallsprinzip in der Slideshow angezeigten Titel (unter oder über den Bildern).
Slogan Titles ©No.Typewriter texts ©
Human Population Growth causes: Destruction of Jungle, especially in Brasil and Indonesia.1Evolution of Intelligent Existence.
Human overpopulation has led to mass famine in the Sahel and elsewhere in Africa.2Give Power to Nature.
Human Population Explosion causes: Ruthless work competition and increasing unemployment.3Rain Forests are the Lungs of Mother Earth.
Human Population Explosion causes: Clean Drinking-water to become scarce.4Copyright RGES.
Human Overpopulation causes: Loss of personal privacy around you.5Entoptic Ecstasy = Brain Art.
Human overpopulation causes loss of arable land that has led to political instability, wars and mass migrations.6Nature says: Thank you very much!
Human Overpopulation: the worst future nightmare.7Sing like a Nightingale.
'Cherishing the future' means 'Regulating the future'.8You can find the Truth in Life itself.
In Alaska, Polar Bears are becoming extinct because of Global Warming.9Forever Free Forests.
Great Britain is murdering its badgers because of possible tuberculosis infection onto sickly overcultivated cows.10Save the sunny Savanna.
Human Egoism rules the modern world and destroys nature.11Nature says: a friendly greet with hands and feet.
Human Overpopulation will lead us to the next World War.12Cry like a Wolf.
The heavenly Tigris-Euphrates Valley (biblical Garden of Eden) was slowly destroyed through human overpopulation.13Worry about the Wetlands.
Human Overpopulation causes: Larger hole in the ozone layer and thus Skin Cancer.14Cosmic Progressive Evolution of Reality.
Human Population Growth leads to: people discriminating and threatening each other.15Swim like a Dolphin.
Human Overpopulation causes: Bird murdering because of threat of Avian Influenza H5N1.16Imagine a Natural Paradise.
The worldwide epidemic of Coronavirus is fastest in overcrowded areas.17Now is the Final phase of Existence as we know it.
You are right, so stop human population explosion in order to save nature.18Flowering Nature's Future.
Human Overpopulation causes: Loss of tranquil silence around us.19Freedom = having no children.
The consequence of human overpopulation is: Waist increase of heavy metals.20e = mc^2 and Life = NegEntropy.
Where are the days that you could have a nice evening with 100 friends in stead of 1000 strangers.21Stop Global Warming.
Human Population Explosion: the worst environmental stressor.22Escape Harsh Reality.
Human Overpopulation causes: Desertification, thus dwindling Flora and Fauna.23The Secret of Life.
2010: International Year of Biodiversity. UN says plant and animal species disappear because of urban expansion and agricultural.24Losing my religion ... finding the truth.
Nature is part of you / you are part of nature.25Sting like a Stingray.
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Slogan Titles ©No.Typewriter texts ©
Because of human population explosion you will hardly recognize the place you were born.26Dance like a Butterfly.
Human Overpopulation has changed the face of earth.27We love Nature.
The government of overcrowded Hong Kong prohibits the keeping of cats or dogs in apartments. Is this our future too?28Where can cats or dogs play freely outside?
Zaire is murdering its Bonobos and Gorillas as bushmeat in the Congo.29Crying Nature, Dying Nature.
Stop the poaching and massacre of rare animal species in Africa, India and Indonesia.30Leave Nature a Place on Earth.
Human Population Growth causes: Fuel resource depletion or burn up of rare firewood.31Nourish Natural Resources.
Human Overpopulation causes: Abundant CO2 and Methane emission and thus Global Warming.32Keepers of the Earth, please save nature.
During a Tsunami, more and more people will be killed because of the worldwide increase in human population growth along the coast.33REHOPE the Future.
Human Overpopulation causes: Soaring sea temperatures that destroy Coral reef ecosystems.34Where can pure Wild Life survive?
Human Population Explosion causes: Many traffic jams and stressed commuters.35Art Against Animal Cruelty.
Some Spaniards ill-treat animals cowardly, especially dogs.36Random Reality Generator.
Boat refugees flee, not only for war or poverty, but also for human overpopulation.37Defend the amazing Amazon Delta.
Human Overpopulation causes: Ecological destabilization on land and in the sea.38Please Save Nature.
Rapid human population increase causes loss of valuable Biodiversity.39We love protecting Nature.
Fast-growing Jakarta (Indonesia) is so overcrowded with people and buildings that they drown in rainy floodwaters.40Howl like a happy Hyena.
Human Overpopulation destroys delicate Animal Habitats.41Promote Kyoto Protocol.
Human Overpopulation causes: Property war over scarce land between Israel and Palestine.42Reveal the Truth about dying Nature.
Please consider the environment before using up much paper when printing from your PC.43Together make a fist against animal cruelty.
Global warming is also the result of many villages becoming large, heat-losing cities of concrete and tarmac.44Protect the pure Permafrost.
Human Population Growth causes: Irritation and stress among citizens.45Grab your Beamer and Save the World.
The more people on earth, the less money and energy there is to share among each other.46Humm like a Hummingbird.
Human Population Explosion causes: Global Warming and thus the Melting of the Ice Caps.47Root Nature into the Future.
Human Population Explosion leads to anonymous masses of egocentric unscrupulous people.48Laugh like a Cuckabaroo.
Human Population Growth causes: Increase in traffic-related airpollution.49A CityPark is not the same as Nature.
Human Overpopulation leads to: Increasing fuel consumption, thus exploding energy prices.50Stay cool . . . STHOPD the World!
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Slogan Titles ©No.Typewriter texts ©
Consequences of enormous human population increase are: Geographical and environmental stress.51Please comply with Endangered Species Act.
The consequence of human overpopulation is: Loss of spacial freedom around us.52Harsh Reality will awaken us.
Human hyper-population growth is the raging monster devastating our planet's landscape.53Behold BioDiversity's Beauty.
Human Population Growth leads to: Malnutrition, hunger and starvation in Third World countries.54Soon will come the End of the World as we know it.
Human Population Growth causes: Drastical climatic changes over the whole world through Greenhouse effect.55Improve the World: save Nature.
Too many people -> too much industry -> excess CO2 emissions -> global warming.56Jog like a Frog.
Massive anonymity makes people aggressive.57Save the suffering Seas.
Billions of toilet paper rolls causes millions of jungle trees to be chopped down.58Walk like a Wagtail.
Human population explosion causes a holocaust among animal and plant species..59Buzz like a Bumblebee.
Human Self gratification rules the modern world and destroys nature.60Please prevent that e-waste poisons nature.
Human Population Growth causes: Toxic air pollution from a great many factories in expanding China.61I am proud to help Nature.
Illegal logging by mafia-like gangs is rapidly destroying the tropical forests of Borneo and Sumatra.62Teach Africa how to use condoms properly.
In honor of Timothy Treadwell: please support Grizzly People.63Nature is dying worldwide.
Europe is murdering its Bears.64Let ecosystems grow into the future.
Pitiful curfew for cats and dogs in Germany because of possible outbreak of Avian Influenza.65Mend the melting Ice Caps.
Human Overpopulation causes: Waste buildup on land and in the sea.66Whistle like a Whale.
Certain provinces of Spain maltreat their dogs in an awful way.67Encourage Human Population Control.
Increase in hurried traffic causes more lamentable roadkill in rural areas.68Evolution: the true vision on life.
Human Overpopulation degrades the quality of living.69Humans form the Brain of the Immanent God.
Human Population Explosion causes: Religious extremism and terroristic warfare.70Revolutionize the World: STHOPD it.
Human Population Explosion causes: Intensive bio-industry, thus needless misery of livestock.71Fly like an Eagle.
Human Overpopulation causes: Loss of pitch-black nights or real peaceful darkness around us.72An Inconvenient Truth.
China murdered 50,000 dogs because a few people died of Rabies.73Do not juggle with the Jungle.
Sea Life is slowly drowning in an ocean of plastic garbage.74Stop dying out of many animal species.
Too much emigration of refugees leads to overcrowding in other countries.75Love the Future, Fix the Future.
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Slogan Titles ©No.Typewriter texts ©
Human Population Growth causes: Melting of the Ice Caps and thus Rising of Sealevels.76Peacekeeper, please save nature.
WWF says 60% of wildlife may be gone by 2020. This rapid sixth mass extinction is caused by Human Overpopulation!77Monitor the mighty Mountains.
Malaysia killed her last wild Rhinoceros in 2005.78Is Nature future-proof?
Human Overpopulation causes: overcrowded city animalhomes with abandoned wretched pets.79Free Flora & Fauna.
Soaring food prices (mais, soya, wheat) because of larger human consumption and conversion to bio-fuel.80Fight like a Tiger.
Because all space is consumed by buildings and roads, villagers only have dear memories of their place of birth left over.81Grow like a Giraffe.
Japan annually murders 23,000 dolphins for meat consumption by humans.82Oceans are the Kidneys of our Living Planet.
The ever-increasing amount of buildings and roads causes undesired climatical changes in overpopulated countries.83Environmental Activism for Nature.
Human Population Growth causes: Larger chance of Pandemic outbreak of dangerous Virus illnesses.84Respect Nature, the Immanent God.
Human Overpopulation causes: Worldwide destruction of delicate Eco-habitats.85Please be sparing with energy.
Human Population Growth leads to: Widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.86Stop BioPiracy.
USA: over 300 million inhabitants. This population explosion will become ungovernable. America lacks self-control!87Join our Team: Spread the Message.
Stop the illegal poaching and murdering of rare Elephants for their ivory tusks.88Oh Butterfly, why do you cry?
Consequences of enormous human population increase are: Intolerance and xenophobia.89Promote Forest Stewardship Council FSC.
Borneo and Sumatra are exterminating their last wild Orang Utangs.90Make some noise against Human OverPopulation.
Human Narcissism rules the modern world and destroys nature.91Nature, Origin of Love.
Do not let politicians fool you: human overpopulation is a serious threat to the world.92Save the Permafrost.
Human Overpopulation causes: The melting of the Siberian permafrost, thus the release of Methane gas.93Do-gooder: help Nature survive.
Commercial Human OverPopulation will grow us to Death.94Create an Ecologically Safe Future.
Stop the poaching and murdering of rare rhinos for their alleged medicinal horns.95Nature is part of YOU are part of nature.
Stop the cruel slaughter of seals, skinned alive for their fur, on the Atlantic coast in Canada.96Chat like a Bat.
Use condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancy.97Send an eCard at
The Australian Great Barrier Reef will degrade rapidly because of Global Warming of the sea.98Time keeps on slipping into an unsure Future.
The consequence of human overpopulation is: Severe Pollution of rivers and seas.99The Truth is out there . . .
Human Population Explosion causes: Much airplane traffic, thus more Noise Pollution.100Warning from the Future.
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Slogan Titles ©No.Typewriter texts ©
Human Overpopulation leads to: Booming land prices and towering house prices.101Run like a Cheetah.
Stop the trafficking of rare animal species over the Internet.102Nature needs your Love.
Human Overpopulation makes people either indifferent or aggressive to each other.103Tell everyone the truth before it's too late.
Human Overpopulation severely restricts our Freedom in many
Too many SCUBA divers destroy coral reefs by using suntan oil that is agressive for marine life.105Truth Seeker, please save nature.
Human Population Explosion causes: Deforestation, thus diminishing animal habitats.106 
Human Population Explosion leads to: More Commercial Hunting and Killing of Whales and Dolphins.107 
If the apocalypse comes, it will be caused by human overpopulation.108 
Solutions and sitesNo.Solutions and sites
Go to : Courses within an online learning environment.1Life = NegEntropy.
Go to : World Wide Fund For Nature.3Go to R.E.H.O.P.E. : ReHope the Future.
Go to :Sea Shepherd UK ~ marine wildlife conservation direct-action organization.5Go to : Overpopulation - Introduce obligatory world-wide birth-controls!
Escape Harsh Reality.7Besides Frozen Ark: Freeze Human Fertility!
Please Rescue Flora & Fauna from Mass Destruction.9Nourish Natural Resources.
Peacekeeper, please save nature.11Go to : Send your Political E-card.
Go to : The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement.13Create an Ecologically Safe Future, please.
Nature, Origin of Love.15Go to : Artist / Webdeveloper.
REHOPE: Regulate Ethically Human OverPopulation Ecology.17Evolution of Intelligent Existence.
Truth Seeker, please save nature.19Oh Butterfly, why do you cry?
WisArt: Wise Art Cybernetics.21Root Nature into the Future.
Go to : This SlideShow (in 5 languages: DE, NL, DE, FR, ES).23Do you want to be part of the Problem or part to the Solution?
Love the Future, Fix the Future.25Go to : Secret Entrance of STHOPD.
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Solutions and sitesNo.Solutions and sites
Go to : Committee against the murder of birds.27Behold BioDiversity's Beauty.
Random Reality Generator.29CPER: Cosmic Progressive Evolution of Reality.
Go to : More humanity for animals.31The Club of Rome reports: the Limits to Growth.
STHOPD: Stop Terrible Human OverPopulation Disasters.33Keepers of the Earth, please save nature.
LOVENIC: Love Obtains Visionary Evolution, so Nature I Cherish.35Go to : People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
www.wisart.net37Wise Art Cybernetics
Künstlerische Realzeit-Multimediadarstellung zum Stopp der Massenauslöschung von Flora und Fauna.
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